Lark & Sky Upicks

Come enjoy our farm!

Here’s What to Expect:

EVENINGS 6:30-8:30pm (ish) or MORNINGS 8:30-10:30am (ish)

Three sizes available ($20, $35, $60, or $85)

Come to the farm and enjoy a lovely evening in field!

Once you arrive just follow the gravel drive to park at our barn. Then walk to the barn where we provide you bucket, snips, and handy apron (to keep your snips & phone close because you’ll want to take lots of pics while choosing beautiful blooms).

Before you start picking, I’ll give you a overview of the types of flowers we grow then I willI show you how to properly cut your flowers. After a quick tour of the field, you get to pick the flowers you want to take home!

I will be available to help or answer any questions. Plus I have waters and canned drinks in a cooler that I can bring you while you pick.

Remember to bring your own vase or container to take your flowers home with you (plus a tub or box to contain spills). Make sure these containers are clean enough to drink from - flowers are divas that way!

Or you can purchase our cute field bucket beforehand for $10 here on the website or once you get to the farm (I can take Venmo, PayPal, card or cash).

Can’t wait to see you because the best thing about growing flowers is your smile!

  • (We can accommodate 25 people total for this session.)

  • Hours subject to change, due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.  We don’t want this to happen any more than you, but emergencies happen. ***We will notify you if we need to postpone. However, this should be rare because we have a rain plan: our barn has a shelter where you can arrange pre-picked flowers and then venture into the field on your own to explore - unless it’s storming, of course  (just bring your rain jacket!!).

  • Remember that there are no refunds or exchanges for no-shows! Give your place to a friend if you can’t make it, or consider it a donation to the pollinators & critters on our farm.

Bring these items:

  • CLEAN jar, vase, bucket or container. This is for you to take your flowers home in. We have water to fill up your vase, so your flowers will stay fresh on the way home. Your vase/container should be clean enough to drink out of!

  • A rain jacket - in case of rain

  • Farm appropriate shoes/sandals. We have dogs. Poo is always possible.  Also, the ground is a bit sloping (not perfectly flat or even) make sure your shoes are sturdy (sneakers or sturdy shoes with tread on them).

  • Respectful children! This is our personal property and we have worked hard so we can share it with others - we want to keep it that way!  Please DO NOT allow children to chase, harass or tease our animals in any way, or destroy our property. You will be asked to leave.

Do Not Bring These:

  • Pets of any kind. If you have a service dog, please alert us ahead of time.

  • Children or adults with severe bee/wasp sting reactions. No one has been stung before (bees are NOT interested in stinging people while they are out foraging) but there is always a chance. Flower and vegetable farms are quite literally buzzing with bees and other pollinators... and that is a good thing!